2022 CREATIVE REVIEW London, text by Emily Gosling « Gabriel Jones’ photos offer a new kind of voyeurism », Feb 11.
2019 INTERVIEW, New Books in Photography, Los Angeles, Podcast, interview by Lorena Turner; September 19.
2019 Charlotte Cotton's text, "Wonderfully Strange ..." (Splashes, RVB BOOKS), March 29.
2019 Guo Jiamin, MODERN WEEKLY (Beijing), "Collecting the singularity of a scene" (Splashes), Jan 4.
2018 Jeremy Piette, LIBERATION Weekend, 2 pages, (Paris) "Fin de Party" (SPLASHES), 20-21 October.
2018 Portfolio, L'OEIL DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE, Paris, "SPLASHES - Gabriel Jones", 29 november.
2015 Vincent Delaury, Magazine L’ŒIL, Pseudonym Project, L'oeil du collectionneur - Galeries, n°675, january.
2014 Maude Charmoy, VOGUE PARIS, Agenda: Culture de la semaine, Pseudonym Project La revelation, December 15
2014 Jason Li, MONOCLE MAGAZINE (London), « Agenda » Pseudonym Project Paris /Print Party, March 8
2014 Céline Piettre, ART INFO, (Paris), Une Print Party sous pseudonym chez Michèle Didier, March 4
2014 LE QUOTIDIEN DE L'ART (Paris), Le Pseudonym Project / Paris lance sa Print Party, January 29.
2014 La rédaction, SLASH (Paris), Les vernissages du mois de mars, March 3rd.
2014 David Galloway, ART NEWS MAGAZINE, (New York), Reviews: international, May issue.
2014 Camille Moulonguet, FISHEYE MAGAZINE (Paris), Nouvelles Scènes, March/April issue.
2013 Damian Zimmermann, KÖLNER STADT-ANZEIGER (Cologne), Neues von Anton Corbijn, Anna Vogel, Gabriel Jones und Ralf Brög – Ein Spaziergang durch Düsseldorfer Galerien, Feb 8.
2013 Alexandra Wach, MONOPOL MAGAZIN (Berlin), Dusseldorf Photo Weekend, Feb edition.
2013 Julia Schmitz, DER KUNST MAGAZINE (Berlin), Wochenrückblick KW5, Feb, 1st.
2013 INDEX MAGAZINE (Dusseldorf), The Untitled Series, Dusseldorf Photo Weekend, Feb edition
2012 Lindsay Eanet, BLACK BOOK MAGAZINE (New York), POP Montreal Features Exhibition About Arcade Fire Album Art, If You're Into That, Sept 5.
2012 Carrie Battlan, PITCHFORK MAGAZINE, (New York), POP Montreal Ehxibit Explores the Making of the Art for Arcade Fire's Album The Suburbs. September 5.
2012 Christian Gattinoni, LACRITIQUE.ORG (Paris), Jeune Creation, toujours un test, nov 5th
2012 JOURNAL DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE (Paris), Paris Photo 2012: Galerie Bertrand Grimont, Nov 20
2012 Céline Piettre, ART INFO FRANCE (Paris), Top 10: une fenêtre sur la Jeune Création. Nov7
2012 HUFFINGTON POST, Quebec, La Québécoise Caroline Robert gagne un Grammy pour sa pochette Arcade Fire, feb 12.
2012 PARIS 3E LA CREATION QU'ON AIME (Paris), Brainbow: Exposition collective, july 11th.
2012 Émilie Côté, LA PRESSE, (Montréal), Genèse d’un GRAMMY, feb 14.
2010 Shirine Saad, interview, Gabriel Jones, CITYist MAGAZINE (New York), December 2010, Arts special edition issue.
2010 In The Air, ART+AUCTION, (New York), « Spoiler Alert!: IN THE AIR Unmasks “Pseudonym”ous Artists », August 26.
2010 Sean Michaels, THE GUARDIAN (London), Arcade Fire devise ‘synchronized artwork’ for The Suburbs”, august 4.
2010 Lauren Kelly, PAPER MAGAZINE (New York), Gabriel Jones’ cover for the Arcade Fire’s The Suburbs is our Work of the Day August 2nd
2010 Eliza Williams, CREATIVE REVIEW Magazine (London) Arcade Fire’s Synch Artwork, Aug 11
2010 Stuart Thursby, APPLIED ARTS Magazine (Toronto), New Arcade Fire Album Artwork, June 14